Deer Tracks | Two Glaciers Park

Who Goes There?

Multiple Dates & Locations of
10:30-11:30 a.m.

Saturday, February 1
Northwest Branch
2855 Helena Dr NW, Carroll

Wednesday, February 5
Johns Branch
116 E High St, Amanda

Thursday, February 6
Bremen Branch
200 School St, Bremen

Who is making those sounds outside your house at night? You can find out by the signs they leave behind! Join us for a story and craft at the library to learn about the tracks and signs animals leave.

Coloring sheets and ODNR (Ohio Department of Natural Resources) Field Guides will be available for the kids to take home!

This program is best suited for families with children ages 3-7 years, but all ages are welcome!  Although it is not required, the Library would appreciate knowing who may be coming so please register at or call 740-653-2745 extension 140.

Our Host, Fairfield County District Library

Thanks to Fairfield County District Library for allowing us to conduct this program at their main branch.  Questions about the program may be directed to Park District staff at 740 215-6645 or by email to  Questions about the library, their policies, hours, locations, etc. should be directed to them at 740 653-2745.

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To receive updates or reminders about this program, click/tap “Interested” or “Going” on this event on Facebook.


Before You Go…
If severe weather is forecast or before traveling a long distance to attend, it is recommended you check to be sure the program has not been canceled, postponed, or rescheduled.  It is best to check the program in the Events section of our Facebook page, our website’s Calendar of Events, or call 740 652-4422 or 614 321-4833 ext 103.

Photo Disclaimer & Social Media
Registration for or attendance at any of our public programs and other activities constitutes an agreement allowing Fairfield County Park District to use and distribute, now and in the future, any image of the registrant/attendee in photographs, videos, and other electronic or print reproduction of images taken at events and activities.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding use of images in which an attendee may appear, call 740 652-4422 or 614 321-4833 ext 103 or speak to any staff member at any program or event.