Park Projects
Master Plans
A master plan for a park identifies key steps necessary to make the best use of the location for the conservation and development of the parkland and for the enjoyment of the residents who utilize the park for passive recreation and enjoyment. The plan will guide the decision-making process and investments needed to develop the park to completion.
Master Plans are being developed for:

Repairs to Hannaway Covered Bridge (Two Glaciers Park)
Individual Park Projects
- Install new park entrance sign.
- Install new park entrance sign.
- Install new park entrance sign.
- Commission and install additional native Ohio animal sculptures.
- Install new park entrance sign.
- Develop Master Plan (In Progress)
- Install new park entrance sign. (completed July 2018)
- Install new park entrance sign.
- Develop Master Plan (In Progress)
- Work with Gandee to relocate park entrance to the west for safer sight distance.
- Work with Fairfield Soil & Water Conservation District to restore the pond to the west of Mambourg Lodge. The pond will be dredged and the dam restored. (In Progress)
- Obtain assessments of Mambourg Lodge for the purpose of renovations, possibly using it as a nature center or other educational facility. (In Progress)
- Lay out trails throughout the park. One will include a portion of the original Zane’s Trace. (In Progress)
- Install new park entrance sign.
- Develop Master Plan (In Progress)
- Determine location for parking area. (In Progress)
- Layout loop trail through meadow. (In Progress)
- Install new park entrance sign.
- Install new park entrance sign. (completed July 2018)
- Design and build permanent restrooms.
- Rebuild Fetter Hood Barn
- Extend current dead-end trail into a loop.
- Set up a video feed of the power and grinding floors of Rock Mill so visitors who cannot down downstairs can view milling operations. (completed June 2018)
- Install new park entrance sign. (completed July 2018)
- Complete installation of split-rail fence at property line. (completed July 2018)
- Install new parking lot entrance and directional signs.
- Power wash Rock Mill and waterwheel; seal the exteriors maintaining a natural look.
- Install new park entrance sign.
- Install new park entrance sign.
- Develop Master Plan (In Progress)
- Install new park entrance sign.
- Develop Master Plan (In Progress)
- Install new park entrance sign. (completed May 2018)
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