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So far media has created 2 blog entries.

One-eared Monster?  The Praying Mantis

For a long time, scientists assumed the praying mantis is deaf because it does not have ears on its head, it doesn’t make a sound, nor does it appear to respond to sounds.  However, they have found that it does indeed have an ear – no, not two, only one! One reason the ear [...]

One-eared Monster?  The Praying Mantis2023-02-22T16:37:43-05:00

Birding? Essentials of Bird Photography

There are some helpful hints in the article “Essentials of Bird Photography” by H Caglar Gungor found on Dreamstime’s blog. One simple but great idea I came away with is to set the camera on a small bean bag to stabilize the camera (hint #3). We at the Parks especially appreciate hint #10. [...]

Birding? Essentials of Bird Photography2023-02-22T18:45:31-05:00
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