Education Resources
Our printable, grade-appropriate activity worksheets are for teachers of K-6 students. Those in the Activities for Classroom and Activities for Homeschool sections will enhance your curriculum and are compliant with Ohio’s Learning Standards.
Additional activity worksheets including puzzles, scavenger hunts and other fun educational projects, plus videos and coloring pages are found on the Nature Connection page.

Children working together during Toadschool: Wahkeena’s Forest School
This page is new (September 2020). As school activity worksheets are finished they will be added here. Bookmark this page and check back often for new content.
Education Resources
Our printable, grade-appropriate activity worksheets are for teachers of K-6 students. Those in the Activities for Classroom and Activities for Homeschool sections will enhance your curriculum and are compliant with Ohio’s Learning Standards.
Additional activity worksheets including puzzles, scavenger hunts and other fun educational projects, plus videos and coloring pages are found on the Nature Connection page.

Children working together during Toadschool: Wahkeena’s Forest School
This page is new (September 2020). As school activity worksheets are finished they will be added here. Bookmark this page and check back often for new content.
Homeschool Activities
Get to Know the Sun & Earth’s Moon (Grades K-2)
This 10-page activity worksheet includes:
- Get to Know the Sun
- Solar Energy Experiment (solar energy absorption)
- Solar Oven S’mores
- Make Your Own Sundial (human sundial)
- Get to Know Earth’s Moon
- Moon Cycle
- The Fox in the Moon
- Draw the Moon
- Moon Diary
*A kit of some materials needed for the activities in this worksheet is available at no charge. To request a kit, call 800 297-1883 or 740 681-7249 ext 105 to make arrangements for pickup.
Astronomy: The Sun & Earth’s Moon (Grades 3-6)
This 18-page activity worksheet includes:
- Astronomy: The Sun
- Sun and the Seasons
- Solar Energy Experiment (solar energy absorption)
- Solar Oven S’mores
- Make Your Own Sundial (three types)
- Sundial Template
- Astronomy: Earth’s Moon
- Moon Cycle
- Moon Diary
- Moon Stories from Around the World
- The Fox in the Moon
- Draw the Moon & Write a Story
- Key Words
*A kit of some materials needed for the activities in this worksheet is available at no charge. To request a kit, call 800 297-1883 or 740 681-7249 ext 105 to make arrangements for pickup.
Earth Sciences
Earth Sciences: Ohio Rocks! (Grades 3-6)
This 16-page activity worksheet includes:
- Earth Sciences: Ohio Rocks! Igneous, Metamorphic, Sedimentary
- Rock Samples (included with full kit)
- Geological Sites in Ohio
- Making Rock Observations
- Rock Sample ID Cards
- Edible Rocks Activities
- Key Words
*A kit of some materials needed for the activities in this worksheet is available at no charge. To request a kit, call 800 297-1883 or 740 681-7249 ext 105 to make arrangements for pickup.
Fauna (Animals)
Halloween Creatures (Grades 3-6)
This 10-page activity worksheet includes:
- Animal Myths
- Mammal Skulls
- Ohio’s Common Spiders
- Spider Observation
- Ohio’s Common Snakes
- Cold-blooded or Warm-blooded
- Creatures of Indigenous Folklore
- Key Words
*A kit of some materials needed for the activities in this worksheet is available at no charge. To request a kit, call 800 297-1883 or 740 681-7249 ext 105 to make arrangements for pickup.
Flora (Plants)
Classroom Activities
Earth Science
Fauna (Animals)
Lifecycle of the Monarch Butterfly (Grades K-2)
From egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly, the Monarch butterfly’s life cycle is fascinating. Find out the only food this caterpillar will eat and how that food can save its life.
To complement this video, print a Get to Know the Monarch Butterfly worksheet from the Nature Connection page.
Addtional questions? Call 740 681-7249 ext 105 or send an email to Marcey Shafer,
Flora (Plants)
Toadschool: Wahkeena’s Forest School
Homeschooled Children
Forest School is child directed and play based. This allows learners time and space to develop interests, skills, and understanding through hands-on experiences. At a forest school, children have the freedom to create, play, imagine, and engage all their senses while exploring an outdoor environment. Classes take place outside in all weather conditions. In the sessions, children can dig in the mud, use tools, balance on fallen trees, build dens, identify bugs, or just relax in the shade. The possibilities are endless, but all focuses on promoting wonder and a child’s connection to nature. For information about Toadschool, call 800 297-1883.
Additional Resources
Nature Connection
Additional activity worksheets including puzzles, scavenger hunts and other fun educational projects, plus videos and coloring pages are found on the Nature Connection page.
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