revealing new camp t-shirt design
to be posted in mid- to -late April

Earth Camp 2025

June 10-11-12, 2025
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. daily

Smeck Park
7395 Basil Rd
Baltimore, OH 43105

Earth Camp is a free, three-day-long day camp to be held at Smeck Park in Baltimore. Fairfield County residents or those enrolled in a Fairfield County school who are students who are entering grades 3, 4, and 5 during the 2025-26 school year are invited to attend. There is a limit of 50 students. If you are interested but have questions, call Fairfield Soil & Water Conservation District at (740) 653-8154.


Registration will open May 1, 2025.  The program is limited to 50 students, so register as soon as you can.  Use this printable enrollment form (link to be added on or just before May 1) and submit it according to the instructions in the document.

ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM to be added on or just before May 1, 2025.

Important Notice about Registration
Follow the instructions on the registration form.  Registration is handled by Fairfield Soil & Water Conservation District, not Fairfield County Park District.  Sending your form by any means other than what is stated on the form could cause you to miss out on this opportunity.

Fairfield County Park DistrictFairfield Soil & Water Conservation District, and Lancaster-Fairfield Community Action Recycling & Litter Prevention are working together to sponsor this program.

Photo Disclaimer & Social Media

Registration for or attendance at any of our public programs and other activities constitutes an agreement allowing Fairfield County Park District to use and distribute, now and in the future, any image of the registrant/attendee in photographs, videos, and other electronic or print reproduction of images taken at events and activities. If you have any questions or concerns regarding use of images in which an attendee may appear, call our Media Coordinator at 740 652-4422 or 614 321-4833 ext 103 or speak to a staff member at any event or program.