February 17-20, 2023

Grab your binoculars, camera, note pad and pens, bundle up, and head outside for a bit of fun!  Tally the kinds and numbers of birds you see in a 15-minute or longer period, then submit the info online at birdcount.org.  We invite you to any of our parks on one or more days of the count.

*Wahkeena Nature Preserve is not open at this time because of construction projects now underway.

If you cannot come out, that’s ok.  You can participate from the warmth of your own home!  Just report what you see through a window.

Great Backyard Bird Count is providing a free webinar on Wednesday, February 15 in which “experts from Audubon, Birds Canada, and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology will share their tips for making birdwatching easier and more enjoyable for people of all ages and abilities.”  An Ohio Backyard Bird Count checklist of birds regularly seen in February in Ohio has been provided by Birding Central Ohio and James Muller.

To see comments, updates, or to post photos you take during this GBBC, follow this event on Facebook.


If you have a fantastic photo you took during this program, especially if it was taken at one of our locations, and would be willing to let us use it to promote the park district, please submit an original, high-resolution JPG/JPEG file.  HEIC and any other compressed files cannot be used.  Go to the Submit-a-Photo page or call 740 652-4422 during office hours for assistance.