June 20, 2020 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am

♦  Summer Solstice Celebration

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Summer Solstice Celebration from Coyote Run

Online using Zoom!

Volunteer NASA Solar System Ambassador, Carol Abbott, will help us explore the significance of the Summer Solstice. Topics include the scale of the solar system and how Earth’s orbit and axis tilt cause the seasons. We will also see how seasonal changes affect the path of the sun across the sky and the effect that changing daylight length has on life on Earth.

Coyote Run is a private nature preserve with 100-year-old forests, prairies, and more than 20 wetlands and vernal pools. They work closely with Fairfield County Park District, other groups, educators, and interested citizens to help protect the land and promote conservation.

Join us on Zoom for this fun and informative program!

10:00 a.m. – PRESENTATION

The live presentation will begin at 10:00 a.m.  Attendees’ mics will be muted during the presentation so background noise will not interfere with everyone’s ability to hear.  To join, go to https://us04web.zoom.us/j/72599551910?pwd=aWNNQTN6UXN6RGtHNk1wdW54ajRJQT09

Meeting ID: 725 9955 1910
Password: summer


Then, we’ll take a 10-minute break!

10:50 a.m. – Q&A CHAT SESSION

Attendees can ask questions and discuss the presentation.  To join the chat session, go to https://us04web.zoom.us/j/71493287239?pwd=azBBZkI4bEx4aUJ0QVZoT1locDZIdz09

Meeting ID: 714 9328 7239
Password: summer

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