Sweet-scented Water Lily in Lake Odonata at Wahkeena Nature Preserve | Photo by Larry Berens
Sunday, August 13, 2023
1:00-2:30 p.m.
Summer Walk
Wahkeena Nature Preserve
2200 Pump Station Rd
Sugar Grove, OH 43155
Escape the Summer heat at Wahkeena on a Naturalist-led hike through the preserve’s cool hemlock valley.
This natural history program focuses on the preserve’s seasonal flora and fauna. You’ll have the opportunity to learn the names of some of Wahkeena’s bright summer wildflowers, their pollinator visitors, and enjoy the natural air-conditioning of the Eastern Hemlock.
Meet at 1:00 p.m. in the nature center. Expect the trail to be around 1-mile long over uneven terrain. The walk is approximately 90 minutes with frequent stops. Ages 12+ please.
What to Bring
Bring your own drinking water. We recommend you do not bring strollers or wagons.
No Pets
Pets are never allowed in a nature preserve.
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If Severe Weather is Forecast
If severe weather is forecast or before traveling a long distance to attend, it is recommended you check to be sure the program has not been canceled, postponed, or rescheduled. It is best to check the program in the Events section of our Facebook page, our website’s Calendar of Events, or call 740 400-2631 or 740 652-4422 or 614 321-4833 ext 103.
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