Get Involved
We love the parks and want to do all we can to make them enjoyable for you, your family, and friends. But, we can always use help!
The biggest issue that plagues the parks is – litter. It is a sad fact that many inconsiderate people throw their trash to the ground and leave litter behind, marring the beauty and serenity of park lands.
Truly, one of the best ways to help is to encourage others not to litter and, if you see something on the ground, pick it up and dispose of it properly.
Below is a listing of just a few other ways you can help.

Spotted Jewelweed | Nature Connection
Adopt-a-Park program allows a group – neighborhood or athletic associations, civic or scouting organizations, youth or church groups, businesses, friends and family groups – to take a vested interest in a particular park to keep it clean, safe and beautiful for everyone to enjoy all year long. There is a two-year commitment. Public acknowledgements of the efforts will be made. read more…
A donation of time is one of the best ways you can support Fairfield County Park District. As a volunteer, you can gain a sense of accomplishment, meet people with shared interests, and develop new skills while investing in the natural and cultural history of Fairfield County – all with a volunteer schedule customized for you! Need more info? read more…
We acknowledge Fairfield County Park District exists thanks to the generosity of Fairfield County residents who, either by donations or their votes to pass the 2011 levy, provide the funds for us to operate. Individual and corporate donations, bequests and other gifts play a key role in funding. Such donations make possible so much that would otherwise be impossible. read more…
Commemorative Benches & Trees
These commemorative programs allow groups, families, businesses or individuals to donate a bench or tree to honor a loved one or a special event. It also contributes in a way that allows others to benefit directly from your gift. Donations usually qualify a charitable contributions. read more…
Friends Group
A friends group is a non-profit organization whose members are focused on supporting Fairfield County Parks by advocating and fundraising and other promotional activities. They also provide volunteer services and publicize important issues effecting the parks. read more…
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