We acknowledge Fairfield County Park District exists thanks to the generosity of Fairfield County residents who, either by donations or their votes to pass the 2011 levy, provide the funds for us to operate.
The largest source of funding is from the ten-year, four mill levy that was approved by voters in November 2011. Levy funds provide a stable source of income through which parks and their historical features can be operated and maintained and, possibly, additional lands may be acquired for future preservation and recreation for those residents.

Common Mullein | Nature Connection
Individual and corporate donations, bequests and other gifts play a key role in funding. Such donations make possible construction of new facilities, educational programming and events, and so much that would be impossible with levy funds alone.
Ways to Donate
There are many ways to donate. Donations usually qualify as charitable contributions. See IRS Publication 526 Charitable Contributions. We cannot advise you regarding such deductions; always check with your tax advisor or a CPA for up-to-date information. Types of donations to consider may be:
• One-time or Recurring Donation (online with credit/debit card) – You will be redirected to Fairfield County Foundation’s website.
• One-time Donation (by cash, check, or money order)
There are other ways to support the park district. Before making arrangements for these types of donations, mentioned below, you must first contact Fairfield County Park District at 614 321-4833 ext 101.
• Tributes & Memorial Gifts
• Employer Matched Donations
• Bequests & Property Donation
See also the Commemorative Benches & Trees program.
Thank You!
Every donation of any size is appreciated and will help us be good stewards of the park lands that have been entrusted to us. Thank you for your consideration.
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